Heroic Rage Wrestling
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Roster du jeu Thewrestlinggame dirigé par Dofus. Meilleurs scenarios, meilleurs catcheurs etc..
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 First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French)

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2 participants

Messages : 2
Fantaeuros : 4549
Date d'inscription : 16/02/2012

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MessageSujet: First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French)   First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French) Icon_minitimeSam 24 Mar - 15:49

If this can be translated I'd appreciate it.

To be ADDED in the MIDDLE of the FIRST MATCH

The camera pans around the ring as the two combatants within continue to wale away on each other and then the camera falls upon the two ring-side announcers, (Insert Name of Announcer #1) and (Insert Name of Announcer #2).

“Wow (Insert Name of Announcer #2), these two guys really don’t like each other. That flurry to the solar plexus looked painful… (Insert Name of Announcer #2)?” (Insert Name of Announcer #2) is seen looking towards the crowd, “Sorry (Insert Name of Announcer #1), I was just trying to figure out what all the commotion in the crowd is about. It looks like we have a wrestler in the crowd, but I don’t recognize him and we don’t have any new people on tonight’s card.”

A man with a straw hat and a walking stick sitting quietly watching the match seems to be drawing a lot of attention from the fans. Searching through a canvas bag he has slung over his shoulder, he pulls out a piece of fruit and begins to eat as he watches the match. Even the two wrestlers in the ring begin to notice the fans attraction to this lone figure sitting in the stands.

The man in the straw hat notices all the unwanted attention and quickly decides to head toward the announcers table, trying to avoid any further interruptions to the current match.

(Insert Name of Announcer #1) grabs a chair and (Insert Name of Announcer #2) grabs the extra headset as the man in the straw hat approaches the table. (Insert Name of Announcer #1) extends his hand, and the man stops… he lifts his head, revealing his face for the first time and then shakes (Insert Name of Announcer #1)'s hand. “Good afternoon Mr. (Insert Name of Announcer #1), my name is Howlet and I apologize for interrupting, I was only attempting to get a view of my competition.”

At the End of the Match

Announcer #1: Impressive debout for those two wresters. Very hard fought in my opinion, what are your thoughts on the match Mr. Howlet?

Howlet: Very impressive. I look forward to entering the ring and testing these combatants for myself.

Announcer #2: And we look forward to seeing that as well Mr. Howlet
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Messages : 607
Fantaeuros : 5673
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French)   First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French) Icon_minitimeSam 24 Mar - 22:26

je traduirait cela demain car j'ai envie de dormir lol!

sinon c'est bon
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Messages : 607
Fantaeuros : 5673
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French)   First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French) Icon_minitimeLun 26 Mar - 10:05

la camera fait une panoramique autour du ring alors que les deux combattant se tapent dessus

la camera tombe ensuite vers les deux commentateur

Maxime Viale : wow ces 2 mecs ne s'aiment pas du tout cette rafale de coup de poing doit faire mal.... andré ??

Andre Roussimoff est entrain de regarder la foule

andré roussimoff : excusez moi , j'essayait de comprendre la raison du vacarne dans la foule , on dirait qu'il y a un catcheur dedans , mais je n'arrive pas à le distinguer
nous n'avons aucun nouveau catcheur dans la carte de ce soir pourtant

Un homme avec une chapeau en paille et une canne est assis silencieusement
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Messages : 607
Fantaeuros : 5673
Date d'inscription : 10/02/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French)   First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French) Icon_minitimeLun 26 Mar - 10:29

regardant le match mais il a l'air de susciter l'attention des fans

il sort du sac qu'il porte sur son dos un fruit et le mange tout en regardant le match

Même les deux catcheurs qui combattent commence à remarquer l'attention des fans sur ce mysterieux individu

L'Homme au chapeau de paille remarque l'attention porté vers lui et decide de se diriger discretement vers la tables des commentateurs

Andre Roussimoff se lève de sa chaise ,
Maxime viale enleve son casque pendant l'homme au chapeau de paille s'approche de la table des commentateurs

Roussimoff lui tend la main...

L'individu lève sa tête , revèle son visage pour la première et lui serre la main

Howlet : Bonsoir Mr.Viale , mon nom est Howlet et je m'excuse d'interrompre le match
Je voulais juste me faire une idée du roster

Combat impressionnant des deux catcheurs , c'est un combat très dur
que pensez vous Howlet ?

Howlet : Très impressionant , j'ai hâte d'entrer dans le ring et de tester leurs niveau moi même

Et nous on a hate de vous voir combattre
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MessageSujet: Re: First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French)   First Show (In English sorry, I don't speak French) Icon_minitime

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